We had a very successful Sunday at Studio 36 on 25th November!
Open Studio 22/23 September
We had a fun exhibition of children’s response to our fence project as the highlight of our OPEN STUDIO weekend; devised by Mary Bramble of our earlier sculpture trail event, with coloured marker pens tied to the fence, and removable pictures of faces from our garden sculptures. We’ve had about 40 passing young geniuses contribute names, likes, and habitats ranging from Seoul, Australia and Exeter as they have passed along Denmark Rd.
Two New Paintings from Veronica Gosling
Every now and then I have a bonfire, and due to carelessness some bits of what I’m burning, scorch, but escape. One day when gathering these bits together I decided to use them. It has taken me a long time to find the way to do this, I’ve tried all sorts of backgrounds for the figure, collage, woodstain & finally decided on this acrylic painted background. For some reason the fence pulled it together. The actual figure is pasted on.
This one is all woodstain, pine, mahogany, walnut, ebony etc. except for the white which is acrylic. Several layers of finishing oil, and quite a bit of sanding when I made a mistake.
A Tiled Table Commission
This is a recently-commissioned 4′ x 2′ oak table with tiles by Veronica Gosling and table by Clive Hurman. We are open to further tiled table commissions, contact us if you are interested.
Art Week Exeter at Studio 36
Studio 36 was open each day during Art Week Exeter. We had many visitors and interesting conversations, including those during our Freedom from Expectation event on the evening of Thursday 24th.
Grand Opening for Conversations in Colour at the Barnfield Theatre
Conversations in Colour, an exhibition showcasing work by the Budding Friends Age UK group that meets at Studio 36 was officially opened by the Deputy Lord Mayor, Kate Hannan, on 4th May. Many guests and artists involved in the project were present. The exhibition at the Front of House Gallery of the Barnfield Theatre ran until 31st May.