WHEN last year it became clear that COVID-19 would lead to the postponement of Gallery events Veronica decided to reach out to Studio 36 email subscribers; to find out more about them and their interests. Their contributions have now been turned into a book in both online and printed form.
It features artwork, stories, poems and recollections, some arising from COVID and lockdown. Contributors include a mix of professional and non-professional artists, writers and friends of Studio 36. A unique record of this time.
Click on Read Now below to view the online version of House Lights On. And below that you can find out how to buy the printed version. A big thank you to all who contributed!
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Buy the House Lights On book!
We’ve had printed a sumptuous full-colour book. This is free to contributors, just let us know your address! Otherwise it’s £10 + p&p (if posted) from Veronica at gallery36exeter@gmail.com or 01392 256206.