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A Sunday at Studio 36
Budding Friends are back
Regular Studio 36 Budding Friends art sessions are back. Here they are producing some amazing work in their first get-together of the season. Click to expand the pictures.
Budding Friends is an Age UK Exeter project that supports people with dementia to find ways to live well and enjoy life.
Patterns at St Sidwell’s!
Thank you to everyone who came along to our performance of Patterns – an exploration in words, image, music and dance at St Sidwell’s Community Centre on Sat October 21st. We’ve had lovely feedback from the full and enthusiastic audience:
What a wonderful show!
A great night!
3 flutes explored Studio 36 on 5th November
Ruth Molins‘ flute trio Flute Cake performed Ruth’s new music: Make Room in and around the rooms, galleries and gardens of Studio 36. Click the photos to expand.