
Web admin for Studio 36. Also known as songwriter Peter Farrie.

Café and music at our open studio!

Hannah Goss provided the café and Peter Farrie the music for our recent open studio.

Hannah Goss provided a wonderful café all weekend.

Hannah Goss provided a wonderful café all weekend.

Peter Farrie entertained visitors on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

Peter Farrie entertained visitors on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

A helping hand!

After their recent visit to Studio 36, Zoe and Anthony offered a helping hand with our ongoing refurb… We were happy to take them up on their offer!

Zoe and Anthony offer a helping hand!

Zoe and Anthony offer a helping hand!

Why Not, What If? A big success at St Sidwell’s

Why Not, What If? – an exploration of the whys and wherefores of ‘Don’t’, conceived by Veronica Gosling and ‘inspired’ by numerous officious signs and notices – played to a sell-out audience at St Sidwell’s Centre on March 22. There were performances from poets Susan Taylor, Simon Williams & Fiona Leishman, songwriter Peter Farrie and compere/comedian Jeff Sleeman. Work by Steven Bramble, James Turner, Laura Baudin, Tim Coles & Dylan Thomas (!) was also presented.

Thank you and your talented team for a fantastic evening.  We enjoyed every minute.

The team at St Sidwell’s, led by Dave Wright, were brilliant hosts and they made delicious food for the interval. A night to remember!

A packed audience

Jeff Sleeman

Susan Taylor & Simon Williams

Peter Farrie

Fiona Leishman

Simon Williams recites Do Not Go Gentle… by Dylan Thomas, illustrated by Steven Bramble’s artwork

In the interval the audience enjoyed delicious food prepared by the team at St Sidwell’s


A successful Sunday at Studio 36!

Our open day on 27th November was a great success, there was fine music from Joe Skivington & Phil Bonser, lots of lively conversation, a café with tasty soup & cakes and much artwork being perused and purchased.