
Web admin for Studio 36. Also known as songwriter Peter Farrie.

Plans for 2014!

At Studio 36 we are now making plans for various happenings and events, including Mind Flight, probably in September. This will take place in the garden using as much technology, music, dancing and other arts as we can muster, sound, light etc. and certainly umbrellas if necessary. More news later.

In the meantime the studio gallery is open as usual by appointment, either by phone 01392 256 206 or email (just to make sure someone is here!)

Patterns: a success at St Sidwell’s

Patterns poster by Gordon Hill
Louise Clark & Amerie Rose
Veronica Gosling's introduction
The compère - Jeff Sleeman
Clare Bryden & Louise Clark
Mike Ludgrove's sea tales
Peter Nickol & Ruth Molins
James Turner
Audience participation!
Peter Farrie
Peter Nickol & Amerie Rose
Felix May
Ruth Molins
Jeff Sleeman
Peter Farrie's bathroom floor
Amerie Rose
Jeff Sleeman & Clare Bryden
Curtain call!
Thanks St Sidwell's!
Patterns poster by Gordon Hill

Doodle Pottery

Veronica has recently created a new range of Doodle Pottery featuring lively animal designs. Each of these unique items can be purchased by contacting us directly.

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