Category: News

Get on Board

Community Board 48 is now up outside Studio 36, thank you for all the contributions!

View our archive of all the boards.

Sketch It! opens this Saturday

Our Sketch It! exhibition with 28 contributors opens this Saturday 1st March. We are open by appointment so please email before coming.

Elsewhere book

“From a title of Elsewhere it would be interesting to discover where such a word drives your thoughts, memories, vision and verse?”

That was the question posed by Veronica and the result is a published book available now from Studio 36.

Elsewhere features the artwork, poetry and prose of 33 friends of Studio 36 and Veronica herself. It can be obtained from Studio 36 during your visit for £10 or by contacting us if you would like it posted (we will add the p+p).

Up and coming!

Announcing our Sketch It! exhibition during March and the Creative Integration day on 5th April. We hope you can come to these exciting events!

Bovine Illustration by Linda Lewis
Creative Integration

Creative Encounters

On Saturday we had, with Inclusive Exeter, an introductory meeting with many migrants, now known as New Exonians. The enthusiasm of getting our different cultural approaches together towards a lively and interesting exhibition in the Spring was very rewarding.

An encouraging start to 2025!