Community Board 48 is now up outside Studio 36, thank you for all the contributions!

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Community Board 48 is now up outside Studio 36, thank you for all the contributions!
View our archive of all the boards.
“From a title of Elsewhere it would be interesting to discover where such a word drives your thoughts, memories, vision and verse?”
That was the question posed by Veronica and the result is a published book available now from Studio 36.
Elsewhere features the artwork, poetry and prose of 33 friends of Studio 36 and Veronica herself. It can be obtained from Studio 36 during your visit for £10 or by contacting us if you would like it posted (we will add the p+p).
We’re busy preparing our next board featuring work by 21st Exeter Scouts on the Chinese New Year. In the meantime the present board is still hosting great pictures from HMP Exeter. Don’t forget to let us have any positive comments as it is nice for the artists to get feedback.
And the kiln fires on!