St Sidwell’s 5 collaborative experimental workshops with Penny Somerville and Veronica culminated on May 9th with a vigorous and impressive exhibition. Lengths of drawings, paintings, and collages stretched right around the room hung so that the progress from day 1 to day 5 was made very clear. The volunteers and manager made a huge effort towards the nourishment of guests and display of work, and the Guildhall Slummers Ukelele Band matched with excellence the vibrancy of the art work! Lets hope more such events occur.
We had enjoyed 5 experimental art sessions, experimental in the sense of work, materials, outlooks of 14 different people, facilitated by Penny Somerville a talented and experienced artist and teacher, & Veronica Gosling from Studio 36 helped by Dave Wright and generous members of the St Sidwell’s Community Centre.
The resulting collaborative work, the intensity of those working, has surprised us all. The Focus on what we are doing during 2 hr sessions has resulted in a surprising & exciting output. The silence of the sessions was due only to the extreme concentration of all participants!