
Web admin for Studio 36. Also known as songwriter Peter Farrie.

Past Collaborations

Why Not, What If?
Art, songs, drama, poetry, music, videography on the theme of DON’T. Featured James Turner, Laura Baudin, Tim Coles, Jeff Sleeman, Peter Farrie, Ardyn Griffin, Steven Bramble, Gordon Hill & Veronica Gosling.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Recitation by the well-known actor Norman Bowler with music by flautist Ruth Molins.

Time and Distance
Interpreted by flautist Susie Hodder-Williams, clarinettist Chris Caldwell, with texts performed by James Turner

Play To The Moon
Songs, music, video projections & drawings with Philip Robinson, Vaughan Gallavan..

Dinner with Krishnamurti
Readings and a vegetarian feast

Adjusting The Contrast
Poetry from Susan Taylor, Simon Williams, original songs by Peter Farrie & Katie Whitehouse

Here And Now
Unique interpretations in music, sound, poetry, technology etc…

Empty Houses Are Full Of Noises
A site-specific sonic event 

Don Quixote
Verses and reverses with Ralph Rochester, Stella Quilley, Peter Reeves, guitarist John Sherlock and others

A cabaret on the theme of the wild boar

My Bohemia
Readings, songs, drama 

Why Not? What If?

Why Not? What If? was an evening of dramatic, poetic, musical and artistic enquiry into the whys and wherefores of DON’T! It was presented at Studio 36 in 2015 and featured work and performances by poet James Turner, musician Laura Baudin, writer Tim Coles, actor Jeff Sleeman, songwriter Peter Farrie and artists Ardyn Griffin, Steven Bramble, Gordon Hill and Veronica Gosling.

There was a concurrent exhibition in the gallery.

The performance was reprised with new material and some new participants at St Sidwell’s Community Centre in March 2017.

Maynards Art Weekend

Veronica exhibited a good selection of her hand painted pottery at Maynards school shop during their Art weekend, July 4th & 5th.

All About Ardyn


Ardyn Griffin has been a firm friend of Studio 36 owner/artist Veronica Gosling since her days at Hay Farm and Ardyn has exhibited every year at Studio 36 since it’s inception too.

Ardyn lives and works in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire with her cat, dog and wild garden full of chickens, peacocks and guinea fowl.

Ardyn trained firstly at the Ruskin School, followed by the Froebel Institute for Education, Roehampton and finally at Goldsmiths college in London.

She had a large collection of sketchbooks from over the years documenting memorable events and people which are also a great source of inspiration for her work.

Veronica and Ardyn circa 1999

Veronica and Ardyn circa 1999

If you’ve had chance to visit us here in Denmark Road you perhaps might have spotted some of the lovely pieces of Ardyn’s artwork dotted around the studios – which presently includes two cows grazing happily in our office and a rather splendid wall clock taking pride of place in our kitchen.

Ardyn, who frequently attends and contributes to Studio 36 events, is a full of fun, lively character whose verve and gusto in life is reflected in her art.

Peacock04_wlg_9sept09If you want to know more, you can find out more about Ardyn and her work at