Category: Featured


All our pottery is hand-painted by Veronica and is safe for ovens, microwaves and dishwashers. Pottery prices are listed here. If you would like to purchase a piece or pieces please contact us.

Many of the older photographs here are the result of a lovely photography day out with Tony Cobley at Teignmouth.

I buy whiteware from a pottery in Stoke, and hardly ever change the first mark I make. The lovely blue glaze comes from Valauris in the south of France, and I have never found such a brilliant blue here, though I’ve tried.

The chickens date from the new millennium and continue to breed. My new designs in bright, primary colours are fun to do. MIRO someone said … well! Everything is fired high enough to be oven, dishwasher and microwave-proof and I quite often do commissions for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings etc.


Prices for drawings are available on application. Please contact Veronica with your enquiry.

Drawing with charcoal is far more emotional. I draw when I am upset, angry or excited – I make a hard, strong black line or lines and work from that. I don’t know what I’ll be doing until I do it! Then I can possibly spend a lot of time getting the drawing right, to express what it is that has emerged in a decent visual way!

Doodle Pottery

Veronica has recently created a new range of Doodle Pottery featuring lively animal designs. Each of these unique items can be purchased by contacting us directly.

Click any image to open a slideshow…


Prices for paintings are available on application. Please contact Veronica with your enquiry.

These paintings are mostly autobiographical in that the series began at the time I was leaving a place I was really fond of and mostly reflect a search (still ongoing!) for stability within a new context. Animals and birds, as always, invade and express feelings. I am relatively new to painting and use collage often. I paint on my pottery trays, printing tin and wood. I am not familiar with canvas.