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Patterns: a success at St Sidwell’s

Patterns poster by Gordon Hill
Louise Clark & Amerie Rose
Veronica Gosling's introduction
The compère - Jeff Sleeman
Clare Bryden & Louise Clark
Mike Ludgrove's sea tales
Peter Nickol & Ruth Molins
James Turner
Audience participation!
Peter Farrie
Peter Nickol & Amerie Rose
Felix May
Ruth Molins
Jeff Sleeman
Peter Farrie's bathroom floor
Amerie Rose
Jeff Sleeman & Clare Bryden
Curtain call!
Thanks St Sidwell's!
Patterns poster by Gordon Hill

The Story of Skeleton Woman – May 25th

We had a very successful and well attended performance of ‘The Story of Skeleton Woman’, by the performance group, Bone Song featuring Jade Moon, Susan Taylor, Rebecca Mayes and Carolan Grzesinski. It was great having them and they appreciated the setting. Their (edited) comments are shown in italics below:

“The Exeter Showing of The Story of Skeleton Woman at Studio 36 was a delight to perform. The audience was very appreciative of, and in, the unusual setting. Our host, Veronica Gosling, freed her home and garden up to our picnics, which we enjoyed, all around her gallery, house, and sculptural gardens.

Many stayed to participate in the after show discussion, which reached unusual depths related to and springing from the Skeleton Woman story. It was an extremely interesting and stimulating evening.

Thank you to all who attended.”