House Lights On … Steven Bramble

I’m missing the room you let me use in Denmark Road and all the people who I meet when they visit you. I’m making the best of a small room at home. Having the box easel has been really useful, it’s like a studio that folds out of a suitcase.

I’m also missing life drawing and working with a model. Instead I’ve fallen back on subjects close to hand. I’ve done a couple of paintings of shoes and a self portrait. I don’t know why I hadn’t discovered this before but I’ve been propping my palette upright on the easel, this has the advantage of being able to see the colours more easily. Of course it only works if the paint isn’t runny.

As you know I collected the little screw press from the studio and I’ve been doing some printmaking. I don’t attach much importance to this work but it I really enjoy it. I’m printing cards and bookmarks.

We’re lucky we’re able to carry on working during this crisis but I look forward to getting back to the studio and the company around your kitchen table.

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