Hello, in response to Veronica’s e-mail I am writing a little about myself and also my connection to Studio 36. I was first introduced to Veronica by our good friends Mary and Steve Bramble. I remember very clearly meeting Veronica and entering Studio 36 for the first time. I was stopped in my tracks by the energy, vibrancy, colour and fun and felt the excitement of a child when you need to explore.
I am not an artistic person but have always related to colour both visually and internally. I am a yogi and I first experienced yoga in the 1960’s as the west began to embrace it. As a Liverpool lass and huge fan of the Beatles, who raised the profile of meditation and eastern philosophy, I became curious to find out more. I have studied with many yoga teachers over the years, even in India. I finally trained as a Sivananda Yoga teacher in the Austrian mountains later in life. I went on to enjoy teaching yoga in a variety of settings. including residential care homes and supporting NHS carers.
Perhaps I need to View Studio 36 with a different perspective as a Yogi, standing on my head!
Carol (Satya) Fentimen

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