Who am I?
Writer, mother, wife, daughter, step-daughter, sister, half-sister, step-sister, aunt, cousin, niece, great-niece, granddaughter, adult, child, walker, naturalist, singer, gardener, reader, rider, sailor, surfer, anxious, introvert, extrovert, loud, quiet, obsessive, music, poetry, art, animals, wild, domestic, trees, woods, moorland, beaches, hills… I need space and quiet to breathe.
Vanessa de Haan

About Vanessa de Haan
I’m a historical fiction author as well as a freelance journalist, proofreader and editor. My first novel (The Restless Sea, HarperCollins) is about the Arctic convoys, and was inspired by family stories, as well as interviews with second world war veterans around Devon and beyond. I’m currently working on my second novel, set on the borders of Devon and Somerset after the first world war. When I write, I see the events unfolding in my mind, a bit like watching a film, so art, photography and moving pictures are very much involved in my writing process.
You can find me on Facebook and Twitter (@vzdehaan) and Instagram @vanessadehaanauthor
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