Prices for drawings are available on application. Please contact Veronica with your enquiry.
- Not Sure (sold)
- Alpacaish
- Do You Want To Go On? [sold]
- Evening
- Man and Horse
- So?
- Nightmare
- Are You Quite Sure About This?
- Carnival Chicken
- Meditation [sold]
- Evening Wisdom [sold]
- Man and Dog
- The Message
- Tim and Kai
- How High The Moon
- Influences
- Sketch
- Rodeo
- What Are We Waiting For? [sold]
- Any Questions? (sold)
- Woman, Bird, Tulip
- Siesta (sold)
- Escaping from the flood
- Large Bird Nesting
- Don’t Take My Rabbit [SOLD]
- I Never Catch Anything
- Two Men At The Bar
- Self-Portrait as a Frightened Rabbit
- You Said You Were Staying [SOLD]
Drawing with charcoal is far more emotional. I draw when I am upset, angry or excited – I make a hard, strong black line or lines and work from that. I don’t know what I’ll be doing until I do it! Then I can possibly spend a lot of time getting the drawing right, to express what it is that has emerged in a decent visual way!